Improv Classes

Benefits of improv
The main rule of improv is "Yes, And" for good reason - it highlights the importance of working together and building something positive from that foundation. Without that teamwork & agreement, the whole thing falls apart! Being able to recognize offers through active listening then creating something together are skills that transcend performance and seep into everyday life.
Improv isn't all about being funny (although we do have A LOT of fun) - many of our students enroll in our classes to gain more confidence in public speaking, to enhance their communication skills, and to boost their creativity. Studies have shown that improv also helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and uncertainty intolerance. Whether your end goals are to perform or to just gain more soft skills, we are here to support you every step of the way!
See below for our improv class curriculum and class descriptions. Our Intro to Improv class and Improv Scenework session are offered quarterly while our Advanced Level and Kids/Teen courses are offered on a rotational basis (check our Upcoming Classes page for what's currently running). Don't have time for a whole class? Consider taking our Monthly Improv Workshop!
why Do Improv? Ask our students


intro to improv
with david mcclary
Welcome to the world of Yes, And! This 7 week, Level 101 Improv class will introduce adults (18+) to the joy of improvisational comedy. We will explore collaborative communication and humor in a positive setting. Whether you want develop your public speaking at work or gain confidence as a performer, this is a great chance to have fun with likeminded people! No comedy or theater experience is necessary, we will teach you everything you need to know!

improv scenework
with scott wojtanik
Now that improv basics are securely under your belt, it's time to start honing in your new skills! This 7 week, Level 201 Improv class (18+) will expand on Level 101 concepts & begin to focus on creating fuller, smarter scenes. Learn how to create characters, interact with your environment, and make sure you are a good scene partner, all while having fun! Students must have completed either BCC's Intro to Improv (Level 101) class or an equivalent course with another theater/company.


shortform study
with meghan joyce
With fundamentals of being a supportive scene partner and developing substantial scenes established, it's time to use those skills! This 7 week course is designed for students (18+) to learn common shortform games and practice in a group setting. Each week focuses on a different improv topic and games related to that topic. This class is performance heavy - our graduates will even have their own student showcase! Students must have completed either BCC's Improv Scenework (Level 201) class or an equivalent course with another theater/company.

Longform Study
with meghan joyce
With fundamentals of being a supportive scene partner and developing substantial scenes established, it's time to use those skills! This 7 week course is designed for students (18+) to learn different styles of performing longform improv and practice in a group setting. Each week focuses on a different topic/style. This class is performance heavy - our graduates will even have their own student showcase! Students must have completed either BCC's Improv Scenework (Level 201) class or an equivalent course with another theater/company.

Kids & teen classes

kids improv (grades 3-5)
with cindy bednasz
Professional comedians from Buffalo Comedy Collective teach your child in this 4-week class the fun that can be created through improvisational comedy games! These games will get the children laughing and giggling while harnessing their imagination and building self-confidence in a safe, supportive environment. No experience is necessary - our staff will teach your child everything they need to know to have a fun, silly time! This class is specific for children Grades 3 through 5.

kids improv (grades 6-8)
with cindy bednasz
Buffalo Comedy Collective has created a 4 week class, specifically for kids Grades 6-8, to teach children improvisational comedy skills. This class creates an accepting environment for kids to be themselves and support each other, all while creating humor and memories. This class will help children build self-confidence and public communication skills while having fun and being silly. No comedy or theater experience is necessary, we will teach your child everything they need to know!

high school improv
with cindy bednasz
Buffalo Comedy Collective is excited to offer a 4 week class, specifically for high school students, to come learn & practice their improvisational comedy skills. Likeminded individuals will come together to learn, play, and have fun in a supportive environment! During the course, you will learn improv basics, which have real-world applications as well as performance based. No comedy or theater experience is necessary, we will teach you everything they need to know!